The graduation ceremony of the Fourth COO Team International Training



The graduation ceremony of the Fourth COO Team International Training was hold in Huai’an on June 3ed, 2013. 55 outstanding employees from the 5 Arm System had finished all the training and gained the Certificate of Graduation which were signed by Mr. Yan Jiehe.
Since January 2013, there are 5 terms have been successfully organized. It was focusing on the theme of “from profit to brand, from project to market, and from matter to spirit” in the 5th term. At the graduation ceremony, Mr. Yan Jiehe said the company culture could be brought down to 2 words: rise and satisfaction. Rise means from start a career to actually have a career, while satisfaction means from pay out to pay off. He hopes all employees could have a great self-development and grow up in company.
CAO Mr. Yan Hao gave his warmly congratulations to all graduates and reminded them to remember honor and glory can only stay with people who are able to shoulder responsibilities.