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Susun Capital Group is the Financial Arm of the Five Arm Industry and the internal financial settlement centre. It is started from resources, perfected through wisdom, and succeeded by capital. Susun Capital Group and Susun Construction Group rise in response to the proper time and conditions.
As the Financial Arm of the Five Arm Industry, Susun Capital Group plays an imperative part among all the three headquarters—Nanjing, Beijing and Shanghai. Pacific Construction is the Industrial Arm, while Susun Capital is Financial Arm. Industry is like a tiger. When added the power of capital, the tiger is as if had wings. Susun Capital is virtual capital while Susun Construction is industrial capital; two forms of capital correspond to each other. Additionally, Susun Capital Group and Susun Construction Group are powerful frigates of the aircrafts—Pacific Construction Group. With regard to the personnel structure of Susun, it is obvious that we recruit both the highly educated and those who do not have a strong educational background; we also converge “Spring Snow” and “Country Music” to a balanced and win-win situation. We are planning to make Susun as one of the greatest private enterprises in Shanghai within five years. 

——Yan Jiehe